
Mudanya Yolu Fethiye Mh. Küre Sk. No: 1 Nilüfer / Bursa

Arabayatağı No: 326 Ankara Yolu Cd. Yıldırım/Bursa


In this edition of our hip dislocation series, we are going to focus on the types of hip dislocation.

According to Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk Bilgen, M.D., Specialist of Orthopedics and Traumatology, in the cases of hip dislocations, the condition caused by a development disorder and the process leading to a full dislocation should not be considered separately, instead, these two factors should be examined within the same scope. If a case shows symptoms of hip displacement, it should be classified as a case of hip dislocation, regardless of whether the hip joint remains where it should be.

The case of hip dislocation has been classified under 4 types in the orthopedy literature; Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4. While Type 1 is the mildest one, Type 4 is the most severe type of this condition. In the cases classified under Type 4, the hip has fully dislocated. Type 4 is generally the phase where almost all options have been exhausted. In such cases the patient may proceed with the prosthesis surgery.

In such cases, the patient’s complaints and specific conditions still have significance. The purpose of the prosthesis surgeries to performed on type 4 hip dislocations is to readjust the head of the hip femur, which is truly a grueling thing to do. At this point, the surgeon must do advanced calculations. The surgeon must elegantly calculate the post-surgery shortness. Because in some patients the shortness may be close to 8 or 9 centimeters. Correcting all these issue at once may cause nerve paralysis or certain complications concerning the veins. Therefore, the pre-planning phase of the operation must be conducted meticulously. Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk Bilgen, M.D. emphasizes the difficulty and vitality of the prosthesis surgeries to be performed on the cases of type 4 hip dislocations. The patients should be carefully notified of the potential risks before having the surgery.

Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk Bilgen, M.D., Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Private Medicabil Hospital states that the patients who have not suffered from pain in the past never choose to have this surgery, but adds that with the advanced technology the subject is no longer a taboo.  If the surgeon is experienced and used to perform this operation, the patients may elect to proceed with the surgery after having been informed about the phases of pre/post-surgery, with great results.

Putting pressure on the patients refraining from having this operation is not appropriate. The communication between the patient and the physician before the surgery and during the decision phase is very important. NOTE: The contents of this page are exclusively provided for informative purposes. For diagnosis and treatment please visit your physician.



Prof.Dr. Ömer Faruk Bilgen 1957 yılında Mersin’in Tarsus ilçesinde doğdu. Evli ve 2 kız babası olan Prof.Dr. Ömer Faruk Bilgen 1981 yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu.

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